Dual Wills 雙遺囑 (平安書)

English Version

By: Winnie J Luk
Translation: Andrea Lau




雙遺囑是於加拿大最高法院在1998年Granovsky Estate v. Ontario定案而產生的一個漏洞,只立法及適用於安省。卑詩省律師能根據卑詩法利用其他方式降低資產管理稅。

Winnie J Luk 律師事務所能夠協助您的遺囑及遺產規劃事宜。有關雙遺囑的諮詢,請點擊這裡。

Disclaimer: This article does not contain legal advice and only provides general information. It is not intended to replace advice from a qualified legal professional and should not be relied upon to make decisions. In all cases, contact your legal professional for advice on any matter referenced in this article before making decisions. Use of this article does not establish a lawyer-client relationship.

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Winnie J Luk, BA, JD, MBA, founder of Landmark Law, is a seasoned Ontario lawyer practicing in Wills and Estates, Real Estate, and Business Law and frequent speaker of free legal education seminar.